How Eonic’s Kent-based web designers stay motivated while working remotely

Early on in the Eonic story we decided that remote working was the way forward. We like to think it makes us resilient and agile. And it is a better fit for the diverse creatives and professionals in the Eonic stable. It allows them to choose their own working hours so they can manage their non-work responsibilities and, in some cases, enjoy the benefits of a portfolio career.

We’re really proud of the way we’ve adapted to the coronavirus pandemic. As West Kent web designers we’ve been available to help some incredible businesses and organisations adapt, too, by finding new ways of providing products, services, and information.

But working from home is not everyone’s cup of tea, and we know that it’s not the right choice for lots of organisations and individuals. With the unwilling homeworkers in mind, we wanted to share our experiences in the hope that it will make your time working remotely a bit more comfortable.

Get dressed every morning when you work remotely

‘Get out of your PJs’ is the standard advice given to homeworkers. It’s particularly relevant if you’re working via video conference! It’s not just about the optics, though. It’s good for your wellbeing to separate work and sleep with rituals like getting dressed. And being dressed smartly and comfortably may translate into your attitude, making you more decisive and professional.

Get the tech right in your home working space

Poor Wi-Fi connections, inappropriate equipment and badly set-up workspaces destroy productivity. Ask your organisation for the equipment you need to work safely and comfortably, whether it’s a Wi-Fi booster, a headset, or an office chair.

Find a dedicated workspace in your home

If you’re living in a shared home, or you don’t have much space, your own dedicated workspace might be a distant dream. But we recommend finding a spot that is comfortable and free from distractions.

Working in bed is not great for your wellbeing, particularly when you have trouble sleeping. But if you can’t avoid it, change out of night clothes before work, and clear away all your work things before you go to bed.

What’s behind you during your video call?

Before your video call, check what’s behind you. A pile of dirty pants is not a great look; a bright window will make it hard to see your face on camera. A plain wall is probably best – but BBC journalists do very well with a shelf of serious-looking books.

Keep moving

The human body is made to move, and sitting still for large parts of the day is linked with ill-health, according to the World Health Organization. Most people who travel to work have movement built into their daily routines – a walk from the station, or a stroll down to the sandwich shop at lunchtime, or even a trip to the gym. But home workers do not have as much of this natural exercise.

While you are working from home, think about ways to introduce movement. Some people do well with an exercise target each day, or a tracker like Google Fit. Break up time at your desk with different tasks, like cooking, gardening, or housework. Or just take time off to stretch and move around.

What can you achieve working from home?

Your productivity while working from home may vary wildly from day to day. This is normal. These are strange, difficult times. Some of us are juggling childcare or other caring responsibilities with work. Some of us have health worries; some of us financial worries. All of these things have an impact on your productivity. Talk to your employer if things are difficult and take full advantage of any help that is offered. And don’t be too hard on yourself.

How can Kent web developers Eonic help?

Eonic has a whole host of services that can make your life easier. A few tweaks to your website could reduce your admin burden. For example, it may be possible to quickly answer common customer questions without the need for an email or phone call. And there are other interactions that could be automated. We can also take tasks like digital marketing off your hands. Get in touch for chat and tell us what you need.

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