How geolocator pages can strengthen your SEO

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Digital Strategy Analyst

Geo-locator pages can be a key weapon in your battle for supremacy in online searches. We guide you through why you need them - and how to ace them to make sure your target customers find your business ahead of your competitors.  


What are geolocator pages

Many businesses struggle to get their website to appear on the first page of internet search results. But don't worry, you will have the knowledge you need to give your audience a brand-new set of directions by the end of this!

People are getting more specific and sophisticated with their web searches as they don’t want to be flooded by thousands of web search results – just the ones that are most relevant for them. To meet these specific, regional searches, Geolocator pages give your website new landing pages that anchor you within the area that you cater your services to – and all of the potential customers that are searching within them! They may not appear in the main menu, as it could potentially make your website very cluttered, but they are still live pages on your website that appear first for those relevant searches.

Not ranking as highly in search engine results means that customers may never see your business online, so giving them a compass is crucial.


Why you might need geolocator pages

Local businesses

Geolocator pages are especially important for ranking with local search engine results. If you provide property maintenance services in Tunbridge Wells, such as Kin Kan Do, you want more people in your locality to find your business. It might be nice if someone in Glasgow found your website on the internet, but it’s unlikely to be highly relevant to them, making them even less inclined to click on your website or contact you.

National and regional businesses

Geolocator pages provide great value for national or regional businesses where they are wanting to target a variety of key towns in the different areas that they are based. An example of this would be a national estate agent, where visitors are instantly taken to pages that only show content relevant to their location.

Why they are important

If you’re looking to grow your local business, people need to find it first. Geolocator pages help you strengthen your SEO and helping you highlight the most relevant content for your customers, making your business appear as the top choice in their local search engine results.

Did you know that the number one site from an online search has a 31.52% click-through rating. The percentage drops dramatically as you move through the top five site results, dropping to less than 2 percent click-through rate by number 8 on the results… See why it’s so crucial now?


Key rules for creating successful geolocator pages    


Your content needs to be keyword rich. But don’t overdo it — if it doesn’t read naturally, the search engines may flag your website pages as spam and mark you down. Writing about your core products or services will naturally generate content that revolves around the keywords you want. When you align your content creation with focused keywords, you have a better chance of showing up in the search results.


Make sure your URL also contains your keywords. As a top tip, put the most valuable keywords in the beginning of the URL, as search engine spiders do not give as much significance to the furthest end of a URL string. For example, prioritises Tunbridge Wells, then Services, and finally Window Cleaning. 


If you want to let Google know you are local, you can use outbound local links to achieve this. We can use the same example here to help you out: Having Tunbridge Wells as the regional section for this link lets the Google search home in on it as relevant for anyone searching for Tunbridge Wells services. For best impact, we suggest 3 links minimum.

Harnessing the power of geolocator pages can be a confusing concept to grasp at first, but doing so effectively will be a low-cost way to drive up the traffic to your website and ultimately generate new business in your service areas. If you’d like some further advice from an experienced website design team, we’d love to hear from you.

About the Author

Digital Strategy Analyst

"We build lasting relationships; making clients our partners."

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Digital Strategy Analyst