Announcing the new Eonic Digital

Announcing the new Eonic Digital
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Managing Partner & Strategy Consultant

A few months ago we quietly moved our base from Tunbridge Wells to Brighton. We have breathed in the sea air and found clarity in our purpose.

It might seem like we have been in hibernation this winter. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have been working hard behind the scenes to reimagine Eonic and what we stand for.

Every now and then a brand needs a reset, to go back to basics, dig deep, reconnect with its core values, have a clearout of outdated thinking and strive for clarity.

We are now extremely proud to launch the Eonic of the future:

With our new brand and website we are looking forward with clarity and simplicity. What we are about is connecting with clients and discovering what really makes them tick so we can deliver a tailored digital strategy that will deliver results for them.

We work best when working for organisations with a purpose, delivering value and making lives better.

The whole team has been involved with this process. Our Lead Designer Victoria has done stunning work on the design with a new focus on clarity, usability and accessibility that will form the basis of our design ethos moving forward.

We have a fully refreshed and updated version of ProteanCMS ready to use for new websites, that places accessibility, usability and performance at its core. Our Operations Manager & Support Specialist Luke has been working hard to ensure it is the easiest, most flexible version yet and it is tested to a standard of which we are very proud.

Our Web Performance Expert Dov and Digital Strategy Analyst Sarah have been instrumental in the SEO strategy and have added immeasurable value in challenging outdated thinking, focusing on our core strengths.

With our Head of Social's eye for detail and deep understanding of quality communications, Lindsay is busy planning how we build on our great new foundations to deliver awareness and insight across our social media channels.

I have never been prouder of the team and look forward to working with some new and exciting businesses to bring our combined talents to bear on new challenges.

Do you know of a leader who is lost with their digital strategy and looking for a fresh start?

We are ready and waiting to talk - feel free to pick up the phone. Or perhaps follow on Facebook and LinkedIn for now and remember us when you are ready for some fresh thinking.

About the Author

Managing Partner & Strategy Consultant

"Each and every conversation should be an education."

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Announcing the new Eonic Digital
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Managing Partner & Strategy Consultant