What Every Business Owner Should know

If your website was developed several years ago, the way people use the web has evolved since. For some sites Mobile and Tablet traffic amounts to 40% and this is only set to increase in coming years.

What Is the Solution
Responsive Design allows your website to respond to the device that is being viewed on. This presents an optimal experience for all users regardless of whether they're using a phone, tablet, computer, or other devices.

So How does it work ?
Responsive design targets the width of each users web browser to determine how much space is available and how it should display the website. Breakpoints are set up to all us to gauge ranges that define specific types of displays. For instance you'll generally see breakpoints for phones, tablets and desktops. A script then changes the styling properties for the page to ensure it is well presented for the current screen size.

What are the benefits

  • Your website looks great everywhere
  • No need to pinch and zoom on smaller devices to read content
  • Consistent and tailored user experience
  • All pages available on every device (if you want)

Don't be a statistic
46% of mobile users report having difficulty interacting with non-responsive web pages
44% complain that navigation was difficult 

Google Approved
"Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using Responsive Web Design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device."

So should you make the switch?

YES !  You really should.

Our EonicWeb CMS platform to allow us to deliver fully  responsive   sites, in record time.

If you site is already on EonicWeb then the process is simple, you site will stay in place none of the content need change, we just need to update the design of your site to be responsive. Depending upon the complexity of your design. This process takes between 1 and 3 days depending on the complexity of your design and any bespoke features.

Once upgraded in the CMS you will be able to select which content and pages shows on which size screens. You will also be able to select a number of new layout modules designed specifically for responsive sites, giving yet more flexibility on layout.

If your site is not already on EonicWeb now is the ideal time to move you site to a solid, easy to use and future-proof platform. 

Eonic can replicate your existing design and copy your content very quickly getting you up and running with a website that all can access on the go in no time.

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