Get your people talking

The perception that you provide excellent customer service can give your organisation the edge over your competitors. If you can make the customer feel on an instinctive level that they will be dealing with real human beings, you are halfway there. Use these types of content to give your website an authentic human voice.

  1. Be a proud boss

    It’s not terribly British to blow one’s own trumpet – but when you take pride in the achievements, for example, new qualifications and industry awards, of the individuals who work for you, you present your organisation as one which values people and constantly strives for improvement.

  2. Talk about your away days

    Squeeze every last bit of value from a course by telling your clients about the new skills you’ve acquired. You can give your contacts – including potential clients – a heads-up that you’ll be present at a conference. Get involved with the buzz on Twitter during the event; and then afterwards share a round-up with your insights and any great tweets – both from your own organisation and those of others.

  3. Ask your providers to tell their story

    Interviews and guest posts by the people who provide you with goods and services will be of interest to potential clients. Also, they send the message that you have established strong links within the sector.

  4. Interview your staff

    Customer-facing staff may find it helpful to have a profile on the company site. It allows clients to put a face to the voice on the phone, to learn more about areas of expertise and to discover common ground. A simple set of open-ended questions is a good way to collect this type of content. Be aware that some of your colleagues may have personal reasons for keeping a low profile online, and this should be respected.

  5. Let your team do the talking

    Get your colleagues talking about a subject that excites them. Whether it’s a problem your industry is trying to solve; or an injustice your organisation wants to end, or a project they are particularly enjoying, a personal account will give your readers a fresh, interesting perspective. You may end up with more content than you need – but it’s easy enough to edit!

  6. Office pets are content gold

    You can find many examples of working dogs chatting away on social media and of office cats lolling about on Instagram. Obviously, this won’t be appropriate for all organisations – but if you’re wanting to appear caring, friendly, creative and perhaps a little bit quirky, put your pets to work once in a while.

Final thought

Consider giving your team members some ownership of ‘their’ content – particularly profiles – so they can update it themselves (and take some of that work off your list). Eonic website permissions can be set up for this, and our experts can talk you through the process.

If you want to get your people involved in generating content, talk to Eonic. Our content creators will work with you and your team to generate authentic, human content that will forge genuine connections with your customers present and future.

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