TDL Online

TDL was established in 1982 and is an independent distributor of heating and plumbing equipment. The company offers a 24-hour service with orders taken up to 2.30pm prior to the day of delivery. TDL also offers competitive prices and excellent stocks of high-quality plumbing and heating products.

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The brief

TDL prides iteslef in having experienced and knowledgeable staff. The company has been customers of Eonic Digital for many years and they launched their first ever eCommerce website with us.

They now required:

  • A site refresh and redesign

  • Upgraded and enhanced Ecommerce functionality

  • Sophisticated integration with third parties to maintain accurate stock and supply levels

Our solution

Eonic Digital produced a highly specified platform with sophisticated functionality and an applied eCommerce suite. This contained and enabled the sale of thousands of products, all of which could be found through an advanced search facility.

Navigation and the user journey were key to the site's success. Usability and accessibility were also paramount in what we delivered for the client. Again, we are truly proud to call TDL partners and not just customers.